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Manage Your Learning Wallet

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  • Change Account Password

    To change your password, please follow the below steps:

    1. Login to your Learning Wallet
    2. Click avatar in the top-right header
    3. Click My Account
    4. Select Password on the left menu
    5. Input new password under Change Password and Retype Password
    6. Input original password under Current Password
    7. Click Update
  • Reset a Forgotten Password

    To reset your forgotten password:

    1. Login to the RedTeam website here.
    2. Select Sign In on the top right
    3. On the login page, select Forgot Password
    4. Enter the email address you used to create your site
    5. Click Submit
    6. Check your email inbox for a password reset email with further instructions
  • Change username or email

    To change your username or email address, please reach out to [email protected] from our team, and he will be able to support!

  • I am enrolled in a sprint however cannot see this on my Learning Wallet. What do I do?

    Our platform team typically ensures all cohorts are enrolled to their chosen sprint on the Learning Wallet one week before the sprint start date. However, if you are unable to access your sprint on your Learning Wallet, please email us here.

  • I don’t have a diary hold for my upcoming training but I can see it on my Learning Wallet. What do I do?

    If you are a BC Learner, please ensure you check your BC calendar and not your secondment company calendar for RedTeam invites. Alternatively, reach out to us here and we will take a look for you!

  • I have missed a live session. How do I access the recording?

    All recordings will be available on your learning wallet 24-48 hours after the session is complete.

  • I have logged into my Learning Wallet but can’t find the sprint?

    All cohorts and sprints you are enrolled in will be listed on the drop-down menu on the left.

  • I can’t log in to the Zoom session, but I can see the session on my Learning Wallet. Why can’t I access the Zoom link?

    You can only access the Zoom link to each session 10 mins before the session is due to start. If for any reason you are unable to access the session after it has gone live, please reach out to your respective facilitator for support or get in touch with us here.

  • I’m trying to access a sprint but it says ‘You’re not enrolled.’

    This will likely occur if you have not been onboarded into that particular sprint. Please reach out to us here so we can take a look for you.

Sprints & Programmes

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  • What is a Sprint?

    RedTeam Open Sprints are competency focused 6-12 weeks live training programs comprising 5 key sessions and an After-Action-Review to help you develop new skills or improve existing ones. Throughout the year we will have new materials and sprints released in 3 waves. Each wave is roughly equivalent to 1 quarter of the year.

  • What are the different formats of Sprints available?

      There are 3 sprint formats learners can choose from based on their preferred pace of learning and schedules.
    1. Fortnightly - Twice a month, deep dive. Perfect for steady progress without the rush
    2. Weekly - Regular training sessions every week. Ideal for those eager to apply new skills swiftly
    3. Bootcamp - Intense and immersive sessions for rapid skill enhancement
  • What is the Fortnightly sprint format?

    Our Fortnightly sprints are spaced out for every two weeks, with learners benefitting from ample time to absorb, practice and internalise the content before progressing to the next stage of learning.

      Why choose this:
    • Steady Learning Pace: This format ensures that participants avoid feeling overwhelmed and can effectively balance their learning journey with their work commitments.
    • Deep Dive Opportunities: Each session provides an opportunity to dive deeply into the subject matter, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the material.
    • Implementation Window: The gap between sessions offers learners the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, reinforcing their learning.
    • Ideal for: This format is particularly suitable for professionals who appreciate a methodical approach to learning, seek a balance between work, personal life, and upskilling, and value the chance to reflect on and apply their new skills thoughtfully.
  • What is the Weekly sprint format?

    Our Weekly sprints are structured for regular, ongoing learning, occurring every week, with each session lasting 90 minutes. With these weekly sessions, learners can cover the same sprint material in just 6 weeks, instead of the typical 12-week duration.

      Why chose this?
    • Condensed format: This format ensures that participants can complete the same material in half the time
    • Deep Dive: Each session offers a chance to delve deeply into topics, encouraging comprehensive understanding.
    • Ideal for: Busy professionals who wish to prioritise upskilling with minimal disruption to their busy work schedule
  • What is the Bootcamp sprint format?

    Our Bootcamp sprints are designed for intense, focused learning experiences that typically span 1-2 days, with each day's duration lasting around 4-6 hours. The Bootcamp sprint format offers an immersive and dynamic training environment, where you can quickly master critical skills in just one or two action-packed days.

      Why choose this:
    • Dynamic and collaborative: The in-person training ensures a more engaging and collaborative environment stimulating better discussion and group activities
    • Ideal for: This format is perfect for high achievers who thrive under pressure and desire to boost their proficiency rapidly.
  • What are After Action Reviews?

    After Action Reviews are a collaborative process during which the sprint cohort come together to go through the material covered and discuss what participants have learned. The AAR will be key to making sure that all learnings and knowledge acquired during the sprint is applied in full. It is encouraged that the whole cohort contributes to this review so that we can ensure each individual takes full advantage of the opportunities they have had throughout the training, and leaves the sprint with new insights, ideas, and valuable know-how that can be applied within their area of work.

  • What is the time commitment we're looking at?

    For fortnightly sprints, we are looking at a total of 12 weeks with a commitment of 90 mins every two weeks. For weekly sprints, we are looking at a total of 6 weeks with a commitment of 90 mins every week. For bootcamps, we are typically looking at either 1 or 2 full days with approximately 270 mins (3 x 90 min sessions) of training. This commitment of time and dedication will ensure that the learners get the most out of the training and creates positive results within their ventures.

  • What's the cohort size and mix like for these sprints?

    Our sprints are led by experienced trainers and designed for a cohort size of 15 to 20 people. This number provides enough participants to create an interactive learning atmosphere through facilitated discussion. These cohorts will have the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other, as well as benefit from sharing their unique experiences and knowledge with their peers.

  • What is the schedule for RedTeam Waves?

    RedTeam's waves are structured on a quarterly basis, commencing in April.

      Each wave has a specific timeline:
    • Wave 1: Runs from April to August.
    • Wave 2: Runs from September to December.
    • Wave 3: Runs from January to late March.
  • What happens during the retooling periods?

    Between each wave, there are two retooling periods. These periods fall in April, August, and December. During this time, no training sessions take place. It provides both the team and the platform with a well-deserved break and a chance for introspection. It's also an opportunity to review and enhance existing learning materials and processes.

  • How can I stay informed about the next Wave launch?

    To stay updated on our upcoming Wave launches, you can keep an eye on our website or join our mailing list here.

  • Can I suggest topics or suggestions for future sprints?

    Yes certainly! We would love to hear what trainings you would like to see in the future - tell us here!

  • Are there any recommended readings or resources to complement the sprints?

    Your Learning Wallet serves as your all-in-one resource hub for everything related to RedTeam. Before each session, we will upload relevant slide decks, assessments, case studies, and activities to your Learning Wallet. Additionally, you will find supplementary reading materials and extra resources carefully curated by your RedTeam trainer to enhance your understanding of the topics covered during your sprint. You also have the opportunity to explore the RedTeam Vault, our blog, which features a wide range of bite-sized lessons from our sprint catalog. Furthermore, RedTeam offers an array of panel events, bootcamps, and live workshops, providing you with numerous chances to exchange knowledge and insights with experts from various industries.

  • Are there any assessments or tests during or after the sprints?

    Each session typically includes various individual and breakout room activities. You will receive all relevant information regarding these activities either before or during the session, and all necessary materials will be uploaded to your Learning Wallet. Following the conclusion of each session, a recap quiz will be added to your Learning Wallet within 24-48 hours. This serves as an excellent opportunity to review and reinforce the knowledge gained during that session. Upon completing your core training sessions, each sprint will conclude with an After Action Review (AAR). There will be specific exercises and tasks you must finish before the AAR. The AAR format varies from one sprint to another, and your respective trainer will provide the details during your session.

  • How is grading done, if at all?

    You receive 200 Skill Scores for each individual session you actively attend and participate in. Typically, a sprint consists of 4-6 sessions, therefore on average, you will score 800-1200 Skill Scores for the successful completion of the full sprint. To successfully complete your sprint, please ensure you follow the requirements explained here.

  • Are the quizzes on the Learning Wallet compulsory?

    If you participate in your session in real-time and log your completion on the same day, there's no requirement to take the session quiz. While not obligatory, we highly recommend it as it's an excellent way to refresh your memory and assess your understanding of the session content. However, if you are unable to attend the live session, it is mandatory to complete the corresponding session quiz. You must watch the recorded session, finish the session quiz, and achieve a minimum score of 70% to confirm your attendance and completion. Failing to do so could lead to an incomplete sprint, resulting in a deduction from your overall skill scores and the failure to obtain your sprint certification.

  • Can I book a sprint for my entire team or company? Are there any discounts or special arrangements for enterprise bookings?

    Yes, absolutely. This is a fantastic way to foster a strong learning culture within your organisation so we do highly recommend it. Please reach out to our Account Manager here to help you get set up and provide you with more information!

  • Is live attendance to each training session mandatory for sprint completion?

    Live attendance to each training session is mandatory for participants to get the most out of a sprint. With real-time feedback and conversation, our RedTeam trainers ensure that each participant can take full advantage of the expertise provided during each session. If a learner cannot attend a session live, they are expected to inform their respective RedTeam facilitator a minimum of 48 hours before the start of the session, with valid reasoning. To maximize the benefit of these trainings, recordings of each session are provided in the Learning Wallet for future reference.

  • I couldn’t attend the session live. What do I need to do to get my learnings in place and still get my skill scores?

    If, due to any extenuating circumstances, you are unable to attend the training session live, you can access the session recording on your learning wallet 24-48 hours after the session is complete. Please do ensure you watch the recording, complete the session quiz scoring a minimum of 70%, complete the session feedback form, and click ‘Complete’ to mark your completion.

  • What do I achieve at the end of the sprint? Do I get any certificates?

    At the end of each sprint, you'll receive a completion badge that can be added to your LinkedIn profile. This badge signifies the competencies you've gained during that session and is securely stored on the blockchain. This certified development enhances your professional skillset and aligns with our curriculum and RedTeam circle of competencies. Once you successfully complete the entire sprint, which includes all sessions and the After Action Review, you'll be presented with a RedTeam Certificate specific to that sprint. We'll reach out to you approximately 10-14 business days after your sprint concludes to provide you with this certification. If you have any inquiries about your RedTeam Certificates, please contact Moneli from our team.

  • Where is my completion badge?

    A record of all your earned badges is available on your Wallet here. Make sure you attend all your sessions, including completing all session requirements (exercises, activities, feedback forms, etc) to get your end of session completion badge. Do remember to mark your progress as completed on all relevant slides within the session for your badge to generate.

  • Can I switch to a different sprint or cancel my participation if my circumstances change, or if the current sprint is no longer suitable for me?

    Absolutely! If you need to switch to a different sprint or if the current sprint doesn't work for you, we're here to help. Just let us know at least 14 days before the sprint is scheduled to begin, and we'll make the change for you at no extra cost. If you find that you can't meet the requirements of the sprint, please inform us at least a week in advance so we can make necessary adjustments by accommodating other participants or offering your spot to someone else within your venture.

  • Can I cancel mid-way through the sprint?

    Once the sprint is underway, you'll be charged the full Skill Coin fee, regardless of your attendance at each session. If you have a valid reason for leaving the sprint after it has begun, please contact RedTeam (with your line manager cc'd) to request offboarding. If your request is approved, you will be offboarded immediately, but keep in mind that you will only be refunded Skill Coins for future sessions and not for any that have already been completed, regardless of your attendance at those sessions.

  • Who are the trainers, and what are their credentials?

    Our trainers are a diverse group, including external trainers who are subject matter experts (SMEs) from the industry, in-house RedTeam trainers, and trainers who have received Train the Trainer (TTT) certification from various entities within the Blenheim Chalcot portfolio. We take deliberate steps to ensure that all our trainers are TTT-certified, maintaining a commitment to delivering the highest quality and standard of training.

  • Can I interact directly with trainers outside of session hours?

    Yes, you can! You will receive cohort communications prior to your session with details of your trainer and their details for you to either connect with them via LinkedIn, or reach out to them via email directly for any questions, concerns, clarifications or further discussions regarding the session topic before or after the session.

  • How can I qualify to become a RedTeam trainer?

    Join our Train the Trainer programme to get certified as a RedTeam certified trainer. Find out more on when the next cohort begins here!

Skill Coins

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  • What are Skill Coins?

    Skill Coins are a virtual currency introduced by the RedTeam to incentivize and reward learners for their skill development efforts. In simple terms, think of them as a prepaid and pre-approved learning allowance for employees from their company to invest in their training needs.

  • What is the Skills Balance Sheet?

    Skills Balance Sheet is the missing link in your company’s skills gap. Skill Coins offer Skills Balance Sheet, which allows learners to track their development and compare their skills in hand to others vs skills they need for their role, across your company, effortless. This Balance Sheet improves the effectiveness and measurability of training, facilitates internal mobility, and enhances workforce development. It serves as a method for equipping your employees with the necessary awareness and tools to develop skills that are not only in line with their individual career goals but also with the company's objectives.

  • What is the value of a Skill Coin?

    Each Skill Coins equates to 1GBP.

  • How much does each sprint format cost?

    Each session is priced at 200 Skill Coins. Typically, a sprint consists of an average of 4-6 mandatory sessions accounting for 800-1200 Skill Coins in total.

  • What are the available payment methods?

    We have completely swapped over to payments via Skill Coins. One Skill Coin is equivalent to £1. By purchasing a certain number of Skill Coins, company heads can allocate what becomes a prepaid and pre-approved learning allowance to their employees, offering them the freedom to invest in their training needs effectively. You can read more about Skill Coins here or reach out to Sonia Omar to get set up!

  • I am out of Skill Coins, how do I top up?

    If you’re a learner, your company wallet owner will be able to top up your individual wallet for you. Simply, request to be topped up by clicking the ‘Request Top-Up' button on the top right-hand side of your skills balance sheet. If you are a Wallet Owner, you can self-top up your company wallet via the ‘Top-Up' button and pay via invoice or credit card. If you don’t already have a company wallet and would like to get set up, please reach out to Sonia Omar at [email protected]

  • What is the Skills Balance Sheet?

    The Skills Balance Sheet is the missing link in identifying and assessing your skills gap. Skill Coins provides a Skills Balance Sheet that enables learners to easily monitor their progress, compare their existing skills to those required for their job, and assess how they fare in comparison to others within your company.

      This Skills Balance Sheet helps;
    • Identify skill gaps
    • Improve training effectiveness and measurability
    • Facilitate internal mobility
    • Enhance workforce development
  • How often is the balance sheet updated?

    Your Skills Balance Sheet will be updated as soon as you complete a session. Please do keep in mind that you need to complete all the relevant steps including completing your Feedback form to mark your full session completion.


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  • Are there any specific system or software requirements to participate in the sprints?

    All our Sprints are in your Learning Wallet – your one-stop shop for all things RedTeam. Our Learning Wallet is fully mobile responsive so you will be able to access your courses from any phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • Microsoft Edge

    • iOS Safari
    • Chrome
    • Samsung Internet

    Note: We do not support Internet Explorer.

    How to Update Your Browser
    Unsupported Browsers
    • Chromium
    • Linux web browsers

    Note: This list is not exhaustive - that you may see unexpected results with any browser that is not listed as supported.

    Additionally, we use Zoom as a video hosting platform to help facilitate our live sessions. Please see here for more information on Zoom system requirements and further support if you face an issues.

  • Can I get transcripts or subtitles for sessions?

    Absolutely! As part of our post-production process, all sessions will come with English subtitles. If you'd like a separate copy of the complete transcript, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be more than happy to send it to you. It's important to note, though, that in extremely rare cases where there are technical issues with the Zoom audio, we may not have subtitles or transcripts available for that particular recording. If you have any special needs or require specific assistance, we strongly recommend reaching out to our team before the session, so we can provide you with the best support possible!

  • How can I provide feedback on a sprint or a trainer?

    You can share your feedback on a sprint or a trainer through several avenues. At the conclusion of each session, you will find a feedback form in your Learning Wallet. This form enables you to offer your thoughts on the session's content and the trainer's performance. Additionally, after completing a sprint, you'll receive an Impact Form, allowing you to provide comprehensive feedback about your overall experience during the sprint. If you have further feedback to share, you can always get in touch with us via email at [email protected].

  • What is the process if I have a complaint?

    If you have any complaints or issues, you can contact our team by emailing [email protected]. Our regular office hours are from 9 am to 6 pm BST, but we will make every effort to respond to your concerns as promptly as possible. If you are located in Scale Space, London, and require urgent assistance, you can locate our team members at our office in the EVO space on the 1st floor.